Category: Tapestry Stories

  • Of Praise And Platitudes

    Of Praise And Platitudes

    By Nicole K. // Socialising has always been a challenge for me. The past four weeks have been remarkably intense due to unavoidable, non-standard gatherings with family and friends, on top of my ad hoc work meetings, and Tapestry related discussions. To say that my stamina for social gatherings has been stretched to its limits…

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  • Parable Of A Pearl: Celab’s Story

    Parable Of A Pearl: Celab’s Story

    Editor’s Note: A story of hope, resilience and self-reflection, contributed by one of our Tapestry readers, Celab, who is recovering from bipolar disorder. The pearl is such an apt metaphor for the recovering mental health sufferer. Indeed, we are all works in progress. And like a precious pearl, we are of intrinsic value and worth. Here…

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  • Emotions are Rational

    Emotions are Rational

    By Nicole K. // We are often under the impression that our heart and our mind are two separate entities. Warring opposites that constantly jostle for our attention — with “irrational” emotions on one end, and the “rational” mind at the other. As a result of this “one or the other” type of reasoning, this perceived polarity perpetuates a dichotomy that…

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  • How Mental Illness Lies

    How Mental Illness Lies

    By Nicole K. // May is a special month for me (it also happens to be Mental Health Month) so I’ve decided to finally publish what took me 3 months to draft — my personal story on self-harm and suicide. It was a tough thing for me to relive, but I believe it’s important for others to understand how mental illness…

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  • Recovering Our Dreams: Kate’s Story

    Recovering Our Dreams: Kate’s Story

    Editor’s Note: Recovering from mental illness is possible. Our reader, Kate, shares that it begins with facing our fears and rediscovering our hopes and dreams in life. A Peer Specialist with the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), Kate relates her personal story on depression. We look forward to receiving more inspirational stories like Kate’s and we hope…

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  • The Labels We Wear

    We are defined by labels and branding. From the way we dress to the work we do–these are ways we present ourselves to the world. Yet there is another sort of labelling on a subliminal level that resembles a close cousin to mental health stigma.

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  • My Anxiety; My Recovery

    My Anxiety; My Recovery

    By Nicole K. // I feel like I’m unravelling. Rapidly. All the ground I’ve gained in the past months seems to be giving way under my feet. I’m falling through the cracks. Holding on. Holding on for dear life. This can’t be happening again. Not again.  Those were the words I hastily scribbled in my…

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  • Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

    Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

    By Nicole K. // I have been frequently asked on what the difference is, between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. So I thought I might just as well share what I know. To put it simply: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who treats the brain, as mental illness is a result of neurobiological imbalance. A…

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  • An Overcoming Strength: Jolene C.

    An Overcoming Strength: Jolene C.

    Editor’s Note: There’s so much we don’t know about mental health. Here is an enlightening read contributed by assistant psychologist and self-confessed “psych junkie”, Jolene.

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  • Depression Is Like A Vulture: Natalie’s Story

    Depression Is Like A Vulture: Natalie’s Story

    Editor’s Note: Our reader, Natalie, shares her struggle with depression and self-harm. Her story reveals that external circumstances at home or at work can potentially become triggers for depressive episodes. It is, therefore, important to equip oneself with effective coping strategies, such as self-encouragement, awareness, and reframing of negative thoughts. We’re proud of you Natalie,…

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  • Happiness Is

    Today is International Happiness Day, and it’s a little ironic that we need a commemorative day to remind us to celebrate happiness. Which begs the question – what is happiness? Multiple books have been written about it. Will Smith starred in a show about the pursuit of it. Academics have debated over it. Consumer products…

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  • Heart Matters: Ling’s Story

    Heart Matters: Ling’s Story

    Editor’s Note: Good mental health is about embracing who you are, and extending that acceptance to someone else. It is about building a trusted network of meaningful relationships. Our reader, Ling, shares her heart on what it means to love in spite of her own fears and vulnerability when it comes to meeting that special someone.

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  • Peer Support Specialist: Julius’ Story

    Peer Support Specialist: Julius’ Story

    Update: Julius is currently working as a Peer Support Specialist with IMH. He continues to be an inspiration to many 🙂 Kudos to Julius for boldly sharing his story on our local paper!  Looks like the idea of mental health story-sharing is gaining traction here in Singapore 🙂 If you have a mental health story…

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  • Discontinuing Psychiatric Medications: What You Need to Know

    Discontinuing Psychiatric Medications: What You Need to Know

    Discontinuing Psychiatric Medications: What You Need to Know By MARGARITA TARTAKOVSKY, M.S. Many people have a dark view of medication withdrawal. They may have read or heard the scary stories about uncomfortable side effects or come across startling headlines related to the risks of discontinuing various drugs. The reality is that it is possible to safely…

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  • Green Couches: Ana’s Story

    Green Couches: Ana’s Story

    Editor’s Note: Some of us come from difficult backgrounds, where family relationships were rife with conflict, inflicting wounds and scars that never seem to go away. These hurts, when not dealt with appropriately, can leave one vulnerable to mental distresses like depression and anxiety, even suicide. Our reader, Ana, shares how she rose above the…

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