From Darkness to Light: Dee’s Story
Editor’s Note: Many times we do not realise how far we’ve come until we turn a page, to look back in reflection. This is why journalling is key to mental health recovery. Dee shares her personal journal entry which was written during her darkest times. Today she lives in victory and continues to make progress day…
An in(VISIBLE) Story
Editor’s Note: Mental health disorders are usually deemed abstract; “invisible”, in contrast to physical ailments like a fractured limb or the flu. I am therefore so thrilled that this handful of youth are championing for real and relatable mental health in their upcoming play in(VISIBLE). I especially appreciated that they took pains to develop the characters holistically, instead of reducing them to…
An interview with the author of ‘David’s Story’: Mary M.
Editor’s Note: We do our best to pair our book reviews together with author interviews so that our readers can have a fuller appreciation of the help resources in our community. We are very honoured and grateful to have Mary, the author of ‘David’s Story‘, share with us her personal story on loss and renewed hope. We…
David’s Story: A Review
“David’s Story is a straightforward read that can be completed in one sitting. The book centres around a character by the name of David who experiences the tragic loss of his mother. In his story, we are offered a glimpse into his emotional state of grief and confusion at her passing.”
Occupied with Wellness
Did you know that Occupational Therapy (OT) plays a pivotal role in supporting mental health? We had a chat with occupational therapist Evelyn C. to gain a better understanding of its role in mental wellness. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us Evelyn! Indeed, taking charge of our mental wellness, and enjoying good quality of life by…
Reflections from the Inside… Out
Editor’s Note: Emotions — can’t live with them, can’t live without them. How do we make sense of them? As someone who has experience with depression, one of our volunteers shares her personal reflections on Pixar’s latest hit, Inside Out, and hopes to bring encouragement to others through this piece.
Please stop asking if I’ve taken my medicine: Raphael’s Story
Editor’s Note: Often times we don’t realise that our words can mar our best intentions. Perhaps we ought to pay more attention to our tone and timing when it comes to expressing care towards those around us. Here’s a raw account by Raphael on the topic of medication. Thanks for the candid sharing Raphael!
OCD Warrior: Joe’s Story
Editor’s Note: For the last 14 years, ‘Joe’ has coped with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and felt it was time to speak up about such conditions. OCD is highly treatable and can be effectively managed through a combination of medication, psychotherapy, having good social support, and a change in lifestyle. Read on to understand what it’s like…
Clinical Psychology in Asia: A Casebook [Tapestry Book Review]
We review mental health related material so that our readers are informed of what resources are available in our community. Here is a book review done by one of our volunteers, Justina. Title: Clinical Psychology in Singapore: An Asian Casebook Editors: Gregor Lange and John Davidson with Deborah Amanda Goh Publisher: NUS Press Year of…
Highs + Lows: John’s Story
Editor’s Note: This story has a slightly different format from the usual. It is a two-part story reflects both sides of bipolar disorder, with its extreme highs and crashing lows. Step into John’s shoes for a while and understand what it was like for him back then. We are very encouraged to know he is in a better state today,…
7 Ways To Support A Loved One: Joy’s Story
Editor’s Note: This is a a story on caregiving. Caregivers are an often neglected group when we talk about mental health care. It’s never easy looking after someone we love who has a serious illness. It can take its toll on our own mental and physical health. Therefore, we are so grateful to have “Joy”…
An Interview with Xun An, author of “The Black Box”
Editor’s Note: I absolutely enjoyed meeting Xun An. He’s a good-natured guy that enjoys a lame joke or two, but at the same time has a deep philosophical side to him. Introspective, authentic and wise beyond his years. Featuring him in this interview is an absolute joy and privilege. I’m inspired by his story on how he chose to make the…
The Black Box: Book Review
Title: The Black Box Author(s): Chia Xun An Publisher: Self-published Year of Publication: 2014 Image Source: Amazon.com Reviewed by: Rachel T. Related Topics: Depression, Mental Health, Treatment, Self Care, Picture Book, Cartoon
‘D’ is for Dignity in Depression
By Nicole K. // Warning: This isn’t the usual positive, upbeat sort of article I would normally write. But I think when it comes to talking about dignity, I need to reveal some of the things I’ve personally been through that exemplify the opposite of it. This might be triggering for some people, hence reader discretion is…
The Fear of Stigmatization: Sylvester’s Story
Editor’s Note: In this story, Sylvester shares his innermost thoughts on seeking help and treatment for depression, and touches on low self-esteem which has plagued him most of his young life. Previously not understanding the nature of depression, he talks about stigma and recognises the harmful effects of stereotyping. He no longer judges people with mental health struggles today,…