Our stories are written by and for individuals and communities touched by the realities of mental health challenges.
If you have a passion to create nuanced sociocultural conversations that aim to destigmatise mental health through authentic person-first stories — we welcome you! We aren’t looking for perfect prose or happy endings. Diagnosed or not, we are all works-in-progress — your voice matters.
Our writing guidelines:
- Any mental health topic is welcome! We keep it real, relevant and relatable.
- Each article should have a personal angle to it, capped at 1,000 words.
- Do provide a title + a 30-word bio (If you’re using a pseudonym, let us know!)
- Kindly proofread your draft before submission.
- You must own the copyright of the article/images you submit, or have express written permission for their use.
In keeping with the spirit of support and understanding, we kindly ask that any content/comments be kept educational, factual, and kind.
This is not a space for rants. We would like our content to remain authentic but also responsible.
While we won’t be able to provide monetary compensation at this time, full credit and copyright belong to you for your material. We will also work collaboratively with you and provide professional editorial support for your article.
Please note that by submitting your story, you agree to have your work shared on publicly and on our social media platforms.
The Tapestry Project SG reserves the right to reject, review, edit and publish submitted articles for accuracy and legality.
If you’re keen to share your lived experience to educate and advocate for mental health, please submit your story here or email us at community(at)thetapestryproject.sg. If you’d like to share your story but don’t know where to start, you can consider joining one of our programmes to kickstart that process.
Thank you for being part of our Tapestry narrative! We hope to hear from you soon!