Recovery is a Journey, Not a Destination: Sam’s Story
By Sam // To others, I appear a tough, strong, and independent girl: life’s hard knocks will not keep me down; I have a solid goal in life, a good career, and a partner. Little did I expect, I hit the rock bottom last April. It began when I felt lost all of a sudden.…
Life After Psychosis: Boon Kee’s Story
By Boon Kee // I was diagnosed with psychosis in April 2014 and was hospitalised at the Institute of Mental Health (Singapore) for more than a month. After I was prescribed with medication I was discharged and placed under the Early Psychosis Intervention Programme (EPIP). Included in this care model are case management services and provide…
My Stay in “Hougang Chalet”: Victoria’s Story
By Victoria // There is a rising number of people seeking help for mental health, but there is a shortage of beds in the psychiatric wards of government hospitals. This sometimes means they’d have to be transferred to IMH. Yes, IMH! Or otherwise nicknamed “Hougang Chalet”. Whenever I mention “IMH” around people, their eyes would…
A Letter to Mental Health Warriors: Judy’s Story
By Judy // I initially defined “recovery” as solely the healing of the mind. But neglected the healing of the heart and soul. I wondered if I had wasted the past three years living in apathy and bitterness because I’ve neglected my heart and soul, while getting treated for my mind. To cope with the…
The Fall: Natalie’s Story
By Natalie // You’re falling into the very same cycle which nearly killed you years ago. And at this very moment, you feel as though no therapy or medication can ever save you. You’re back in that same place again. No amount of mental discipline can control this never-ending, unpredictable swirl of thoughts and emotions.…
Fighting a Constant War of Anxiety and Depression: Ray’s story
Editor’s Note: We often associate depression with quiet, reclusive personalities. But sociable, competitive individuals can experience depression too. Ray’s story is a reminder that depression, panic attacks, anxiety can happen to anyone especially under stress. For a fighter like Ray, she truly is young, bold and beautiful. Even though I was young, naïve and so clueless about everything, at the…
Living with Depression: Natasha’s story
Editor’s note: I met Natasha some time back. Her eyes are bright and there’s a pep in her step. One would never guess the hardship she has endured in her young life.
Grown and Flourished: Lea’s story
Editor’s note: One final inspiring story for the road. I really love Lea’s way of conveying her journey. Heartfelt, candid and bittersweet. This is a young person’s courage and compassion right there.
A Letter to Mum: A Poem by Niao Yu
Editor’s Note: Niao Yu is a caregiver to his mother who suffers from mental illness. In this poem, he shares his raw feelings of loss, grief, hope and acceptance. A heartfelt moving piece that’s worth the read to the very end.
From Darkness to Light: Dee’s Story
Editor’s Note: Many times we do not realise how far we’ve come until we turn a page, to look back in reflection. This is why journalling is key to mental health recovery. Dee shares her personal journal entry which was written during her darkest times. Today she lives in victory and continues to make progress day…
Reflections from the Inside… Out
Editor’s Note: Emotions — can’t live with them, can’t live without them. How do we make sense of them? As someone who has experience with depression, one of our volunteers shares her personal reflections on Pixar’s latest hit, Inside Out, and hopes to bring encouragement to others through this piece.
7 Ways To Support A Loved One: Joy’s Story
Editor’s Note: This is a a story on caregiving. Caregivers are an often neglected group when we talk about mental health care. It’s never easy looking after someone we love who has a serious illness. It can take its toll on our own mental and physical health. Therefore, we are so grateful to have “Joy”…
An Interview with Xun An, author of “The Black Box”
Editor’s Note: I absolutely enjoyed meeting Xun An. He’s a good-natured guy that enjoys a lame joke or two, but at the same time has a deep philosophical side to him. Introspective, authentic and wise beyond his years. Featuring him in this interview is an absolute joy and privilege. I’m inspired by his story on how he chose to make the…
‘D’ is for Dignity in Depression
By Nicole K. // Warning: This isn’t the usual positive, upbeat sort of article I would normally write. But I think when it comes to talking about dignity, I need to reveal some of the things I’ve personally been through that exemplify the opposite of it. This might be triggering for some people, hence reader discretion is…
The Fear of Stigmatization: Sylvester’s Story
Editor’s Note: In this story, Sylvester shares his innermost thoughts on seeking help and treatment for depression, and touches on low self-esteem which has plagued him most of his young life. Previously not understanding the nature of depression, he talks about stigma and recognises the harmful effects of stereotyping. He no longer judges people with mental health struggles today,…