“Help! I’ve just been diagnosed with . . .” : Florence’s Story
Florence shares her experience of receiving a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder, and what she learned in her own recovery process.
F.E.A.R.: Face Everyone And Recover – Thomas’ Story
By Thomas K. // The first ever emotion I remember at four was fear. I came from a dysfunctional family, and my father was physically abusive since I was young. I was unable to attend school regularly due to daily beatings. Even if I did go to school, I had no pocket money or school…
Peer Support & Solidarity: Celebrating Mental Health Resilience in Migrant Communities
By Kelly Ng // In 2015, Omar Faruque Shipon started the Facebook page Bangladeshi migrant workers in Singapore as a personal repository for stories of fellow migrants working far away from home. Five years on, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, his page has become a precious lifeline for the Bangladeshi community in Singapore,…
The Power of Peers
By Nicole K. // The Tapestry Project SG recently attended Voices of Experience mini-symposium held as part of the Singapore Mental Health Conference (SMHC). The mini-symposium was part of the conference track “Open Your Minds: Let’s Talk!” and centred on the development of the peer support movement. Voice of Experience is an Institute of Mental…