Paying It Forward: Vijay’s Story
Editor’s Note: We’re so honoured to have Singapore Peer Specialist, Vijay, share his personal story with us on Tapestry! A humble, unassuming individual who’s ever so encouraging, we certainly need more people like him in our society 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story, Vijay. Let’s impact lives one story at a time.
Beauty in the Broken: S. Lim’s Story
Editor’s Note: When I read this story, I was very moved by its simplicity and honesty. Our contributor eloquently describes her lifelong struggle with persistent sadness, and the factors (nature + nurture) that contributed to seasons of ‘heaviness’. It is my honour to share this beautiful story by S. Lim. Indeed, there is beauty in our…
We made the headlines!
What an exciting month it’s been for us!! We are so honoured to be featured on our local media! But what thrills my heart even more is knowing that more mental health conversations are taking place today, even if that means having our story published in another language, or showing up on set in the wee hours of morning before…
EmbraceD: An Event Story
By Nicole K. // It was like a meeting of old friends. One thing that stood out was how the EmbraceD team had made me feel—in the truest sense of the word—embraced. Not for my depression or for the work I do, but accepted and welcomed as a person. I’m honoured that they chose to…
The One About Relapse
By Nicole K. // First story for 2015! I apologise for being MIA in January. As those with depression and anxiety would know, December and January are the toughest months of the year because it is loaded with stressors mixed in with the merrymaking. Things have been a bit rougher than usual recently. After attending…
Make That Difference
By Nicole K. // The starfish story and some personal reflections for 2014. Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking…
Lending Hope: Justina’s Story
By Justina // Once, during a rough patch when I felt utterly hopeless, I quoted Elosie Cole’s poem “Borrowed Hope” in a session with my psychiatrist: “Lend me your hope for awhile. A time will come when I will heal, And I will lend my renewed hope to others.” He told me that recovery looks…
Parable Of A Pearl: Celab’s Story
Editor’s Note: A story of hope, resilience and self-reflection, contributed by one of our Tapestry readers, Celab, who is recovering from bipolar disorder. The pearl is such an apt metaphor for the recovering mental health sufferer. Indeed, we are all works in progress. And like a precious pearl, we are of intrinsic value and worth. Here…
How Mental Illness Lies
By Nicole K. // May is a special month for me (it also happens to be Mental Health Month) so I’ve decided to finally publish what took me 3 months to draft — my personal story on self-harm and suicide. It was a tough thing for me to relive, but I believe it’s important for others to understand how mental illness…
Recovering Our Dreams: Kate’s Story
Editor’s Note: Recovering from mental illness is possible. Our reader, Kate, shares that it begins with facing our fears and rediscovering our hopes and dreams in life. A Peer Specialist with the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), Kate relates her personal story on depression. We look forward to receiving more inspirational stories like Kate’s and we hope…
My Anxiety; My Recovery
By Nicole K. // I feel like I’m unravelling. Rapidly. All the ground I’ve gained in the past months seems to be giving way under my feet. I’m falling through the cracks. Holding on. Holding on for dear life. This can’t be happening again. Not again. Those were the words I hastily scribbled in my…
Depression Is Like A Vulture: Natalie’s Story
Editor’s Note: Our reader, Natalie, shares her struggle with depression and self-harm. Her story reveals that external circumstances at home or at work can potentially become triggers for depressive episodes. It is, therefore, important to equip oneself with effective coping strategies, such as self-encouragement, awareness, and reframing of negative thoughts. We’re proud of you Natalie,…
Peer Support Specialist: Julius’ Story
Update: Julius is currently working as a Peer Support Specialist with IMH. He continues to be an inspiration to many 🙂 Kudos to Julius for boldly sharing his story on our local paper! Looks like the idea of mental health story-sharing is gaining traction here in Singapore 🙂 If you have a mental health story…
Green Couches: Ana’s Story
Editor’s Note: Some of us come from difficult backgrounds, where family relationships were rife with conflict, inflicting wounds and scars that never seem to go away. These hurts, when not dealt with appropriately, can leave one vulnerable to mental distresses like depression and anxiety, even suicide. Our reader, Ana, shares how she rose above the…
Looking On: Angela’s Story
Editor’s Note: Amidst the pain of loneliness and stigma that often accompanies mental illness, our reader Angela found comfort in her artwork. A talented artist, Angela has graciously provided one of her pieces to accompany her story on surviving a difficult childhood and what it’s like living with depression today.