A Tapestry of Stories

By Nicole K. //

The Tapestry Project SG was never set up to compete with or duplicate existing mental health services.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, our intention was to bring more awareness to the existence of this proverbial “wheel” so as to weave together the communities of mental healthcare and the mainstream, collaboratively through first-person narratives.

Only then can open dialogue–and eventually recovery–take place.

That is why we now have a GiveAsia account that makes it easier for readers to champion existing mental health efforts by donating to a mental health charity of their choice!

You are welcome to share our link: https://give.asia/movement/weaving_a_tapestry_of_support_for_mental_wellness

Not a single cent will be given to or through us but will go straight to the charity you selected. 🙂

There are some outstanding charities such as Club HEAL, Psalt Care, and Clarity which are not on the GiveAsia platform. Do consider giving to them as well. Their links can be found on our resource page at https://thetapestryproject.sg/get-help-resources/

Nicole is the founding editor of The Tapestry Project SG, a social movement and online publication that champions first-person narratives to inspire hope, dignity, and empathy. 

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