Tag: psychiatry

  • Chasing Joy: Judith’s Story

    Chasing Joy: Judith’s Story

    By Judith // It all started when I was 13 years old. The taunts, unkind words, and mean laughter sought to strip me of the little joy that I was holding on to. Every day, I had no one to spend my recess time with, which all started with a girl in my class rallying…

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  • My Stay in “Hougang Chalet”:  Victoria’s Story

    My Stay in “Hougang Chalet”: Victoria’s Story

    By Victoria // There is a rising number of people seeking help for mental health, but there is a shortage of beds in the psychiatric wards of government hospitals. This sometimes means they’d have to be transferred to IMH. Yes, IMH! Or otherwise nicknamed “Hougang Chalet”. Whenever I mention “IMH” around people, their eyes would…

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  • Emotions are Rational

    Emotions are Rational

    By Nicole K. // We are often under the impression that our heart and our mind are two separate entities. Warring opposites that constantly jostle for our attention — with “irrational” emotions on one end, and the “rational” mind at the other. As a result of this “one or the other” type of reasoning, this perceived polarity perpetuates a dichotomy that…

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  • Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

    Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

    By Nicole K. // I have been frequently asked on what the difference is, between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. So I thought I might just as well share what I know. To put it simply: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who treats the brain, as mental illness is a result of neurobiological imbalance. A…

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